Monday, September 26, 2011

My Story

So one day it all started the day of Jimmy’s 8th Birthday his mom bought me home I was an 8 why can’t I be a rocket ship or a car but instead I am a 8 and there was a car from the movie cars but she pick me, I was mad and happy. That night she put a lot of candy in me so I knew that there was going to be a lot of and a lot of swinging and that is not good. She should have picked the car. The next day it was Jimmy’s birthday and I am scared. "Help me". Man there is a lot of kids big ones small ones and some are in there teenagers and now the little kids hit hard the run up and hit it is scary I saw it happen to my friend, and the older kids have a hard swing. I am last of the party after the cake and games and each you win candy and I know what happens when kids get candy it is not a pretty sight .Ok now the party has begun so they did the game pin the tail on the donkey, then they had to find there candy bag, opened present’s, ate cake. Now it is my turn. If I make I hope they send me bake to be fix. They are lining up the little kids are first then then older kid, there must be 20 kids I think they need two piñata the first kid takes a swing and miss then a couple other kid swing now it is time for the big guys the first one swing and he hit me now there is a hole in me the next 2 kids swing don’t put a hole in me then the last 3 kids swing the first one hit me and made a bigger hole then the next made an even bigger hole in me then the last kid at the party come and knock me off the string now am on the floor and he hits me three more times and candy flies ever where and kids start running. Then they send me to be fix now I am back on the shelves and guess what I am a princess and Sara’s birthdays next and the is 25 screaming girl oh please help me, and I thought that Jimmy’s birthday was bad but Sara’s is going to be bad!!!!!

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